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The fmeffects package computes, aggregates, and visualizes forward marginal effects (FMEs) for supervised machine learning models. Put simply, an FME is the change in a model’s predicted value for a given observation if the feature is changed by a certain value. Read the article on how FMEs are computed or the methods paper for more details. Our website is the best way to find all resources.

There are three main functions:

  • fme() computes FMEs for a given model, data, feature(s) of interest, and step size(s).
  • came() can be applied subsequently to find subspaces of the feature space where FMEs are more homogeneous.
  • ame() provides an overview of the prediction function w.r.t. each feature by using average marginal effects (AMEs).


Let’s look at data from a bike sharing usage system in Washington, D.C. (Fanaee-T and Gama, 2014). We are interested in predicting count (the total number of bikes lent out to users).

data(bikes, package = "fmeffects")
## Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':   727 obs. of  11 variables:
##  $ season    : Factor w/ 4 levels "fall","spring",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ year      : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ month     : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ holiday   : Factor w/ 2 levels "True","False": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ weekday   : Factor w/ 7 levels "Sun","Mon","Tue",..: 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 ...
##  $ workingday: Factor w/ 2 levels "True","False": 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 ...
##  $ weather   : Factor w/ 3 levels "clear","misty",..: 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 ...
##  $ temp      : num  8.2 16.4 5.74 4.92 7.38 6.56 8.2 6.56 3.28 4.92 ...
##  $ humidity  : num  0.86 0.76 0.5 0.74 0.43 0.59 0.69 0.74 0.53 0.5 ...
##  $ windspeed : num  0 13 13 9 13 ...
##  $ count     : num  3 1 64 94 88 95 84 9 6 77 ...
##  - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>

FMEs are a model-agnostic interpretation method, i.e., they can be applied to any regression or (binary) classification model. Before we can compute FMEs, we need a trained model. In addition to generic lm-type models, the fme package supports 100+ models from the mlr3, tidymodels and caret libraries. Let’s try a random forest using the ranger algorithm:

task = as_task_regr(x = bikes, target = "count")
forest = lrn("regr.ranger")$train(task)

Numeric Feature Effects

FMEs can be used to compute feature effects for both numerical and categorical features. This can be done with the fme() function. The most common application is to compute the FME for a single numerical feature, i.e., a univariate feature effect. The variable of interest must be specified with the features argument. This is a named list with the feature names and step lengths. The step length is chosen to be the number deemed most useful for the purpose of interpretation. Most of the time, this will be a unit change, e.g., features = list(feature_name = 1). As the concept of numerical FMEs extends to multivariate feature changes as well, fme() can be asked to compute a multivariate feature effect.

Univariate Effects

Assume we are interested in the effect of temperature on bike sharing usage. Specifically, we set the step size to 1 to investigate the FME of an increase in temperature by 1 degree Celsius (°C). Thus, we compute FMEs for features = list("temp" = 1).

effects = fme(model = forest,
               data = bikes,
               features = list(temp = 1),
               ep.method = "envelope")

Note that we have specified ep.method = "envelope". This means we exclude observations for which adding 1°C to the temperature results in the temperature value falling outside the range of temp in the data. Thereby, we reduce the risk of model extrapolation.


The black arrow indicates direction and magnitude of the step size. The horizontal line is the average marginal effect (AME). The AME is computed as a simple mean over all observation-wise FMEs. Therefore, on average, the FME of a temperature increase of 1°C on bike sharing usage is roughly 2.4. As can be seen, the observation-wise effects seem to vary along the range of temp. While the FME tends to be positive for lower temperature values (5-20°C), it turns negative for higher temperature values (>20°C).

We can extract relevant aggregate information from the effects object:

## [1] 2.366779

For a more in-depth analysis, we can inspect the FME of each observation in the data (excluding extrapolation points):

## Key: <>
##       fme
##     <int>     <num>
## 1:      1  2.674573
## 2:      2  2.895425
## 3:      3  5.898867
## 4:      4 -1.429239
## 5:      5  4.084969
## 6:      6  4.704511

Multivariate Effects

Multivariate feature effects can be considered when one is interested in the combined effect of two or more numeric features. Let’s assume we want to estimate the effect of a decrease in temperature by 3°C, combined with a decrease in humidity by 10 percentage points, i.e., the FME for features = list(temp = -3, humidity = -0.1):

effects2 = fme(model = forest,
               data = bikes,
               features = list(temp = -3, humidity = -0.1),
               ep.method = "envelope")

For bivariate effects, we can plot the effects (we cannot for more than two features):


The plot for bivariate FMEs uses a color scale to indicate direction and magnitude of the estimated effect. We can see that FMEs tend to be positive for days with high temperature and high humidity. Let’s check the AME:

## [1] -2.687935

It seems that a combined decrease in temperature by 3°C and humidity by 10 percentage points seems to result in slightly lower bike sharing usage (on average). However, a quick check of the standard deviation of the FMEs implies that effects are highly heterogeneous:

## [1] 24.08741

Therefore, it could be interesting to move the interpretation of feature effects from a global to a regional perspective via the came() function.

Non-Linearity Measure

The non-linearity measure (NLM) is a complimentary tool to an FME. Any numerical, observation-wise FME is prone to be misinterpreted as a linear effect. To counteract this, the NLM quantifies the linearity of the prediction function for a single observation and step size. A value of 1 indicates linearity, a value of 0 or lower indicates non-linearity (similar to R-squared, the NLM can take negative values). A detailed explanation can be found in the FME methods paper.

We can compute and plot NLMs alongside FMEs for univariate and multivariate feature changes. Computing NLMs can be computationally demanding, so we use furrr for parallelization. To illustrate NLMs, let’s recompute the first example of an increase in temperature by 1 degree Celsius (°C) on a subset of the bikes data:

effects3 = fme(model = forest,
               data = bikes[1:200,],
               feature = list(temp = 1),
               ep.method = "envelope",
               compute.nlm = TRUE)

Similarly to the AME, we can extract an Average NLM (ANLM):

## [1] 0.4648

A value of 0.5 indicates that a linear effect can describe some but not all of the change of the prediction function along the multivariate feature step. This means we should be weary of interpreting the FME as a linear effect.

If NLMs have been computed, they can be visualized alongside FMEs using with.nlm = TRUE:

plot(effects3, with.nlm = TRUE)

Equivalently, let’s compute an example with bivariate FMEs with NLMs:

effects4 = fme(model = forest,
               data = bikes[1:200,],
               features = list(temp = -3, humidity = -0.1),
               ep.method = "envelope",
               compute.nlm = TRUE)
plot(effects4, bins = 25, with.nlm = TRUE)

Categorical Effects

For a categorical feature, the FME of an observation is simply the difference in predictions when changing the observed category of the feature to the category specified in features. For instance, one could be interested in the effect of rainy weather on the bike sharing demand, i.e., the FME of changing the feature value of weather to rain for observations where weather is either clear or misty:

effects5 = fme(model = forest,
              data = bikes,
              features = list(weather = "rain"))
## Forward Marginal Effects Object
## Step type:
##   categorical
## Feature & reference category:
##   weather, rain
## Extrapolation point detection:
##   none, EPs: 0 of 657 obs. (0 %)
## Average Marginal Effect (AME):
##   -55.3083

Here, the AME of rain is -55. Therefore, while holding all other features constant, a change to rainy weather can be expected to reduce bike sharing usage by 55.
For categorical feature effects, we can plot the empirical distribution of the FMEs:



In a similar way, we can consider interactions of categories from different features. For example, consider the average combined effect of a clear sky on the weekend, i.e., weather = "clear" and workingday = "False":

fme(model = forest,
    data = bikes,
    features = list(weather = "clear", workingday = "False"))$ame
## [1] -174.8351

Model Overview with AMEs

For an informative overview of all feature effects in a model, we can use the ame() function:

overview = ame(model = forest, data = bikes)
##       Feature step.size       AME      SD      0.25      0.75   n
## 1      season    spring   -29.472 31.5101   -39.955   -5.5139 548
## 2      season    summer    0.4772 22.5212   -9.0235   11.6321 543
## 3      season      fall   11.7452 28.5851   -2.4282   34.1763 539
## 4      season    winter   15.5793 24.6394    1.6525   26.2254 551
## 5        year         0   -99.038 67.1788 -157.0608  -20.0628 364
## 6        year         1   97.0566  60.521   21.9401  148.0847 363
## 7       month         1    4.0814 13.3513   -1.2566     7.459 727
## 8     holiday     False   -1.2178 21.6103   -9.1095    9.8232  21
## 9     holiday      True   -13.738 25.3496  -32.6323    6.2019 706
## 10    weekday       Sat  -55.0908 49.6534  -87.6489  -15.8843 622
## 11    weekday       Sun  -85.1527 57.7791 -122.1504  -31.8105 622
## 12    weekday       Mon   10.7224 29.2179   -8.4101   30.4207 623
## 13    weekday       Tue   17.9396  25.728    1.1959   32.5073 625
## 14    weekday       Wed   20.4025 23.1599    1.3386   32.8358 623
## 15    weekday       Thu   19.4455 24.1105   -0.3097   33.4997 624
## 16    weekday       Fri    1.7712 35.3088  -24.8956   29.5147 623
## 17 workingday     False -204.1875 89.3882  -257.144 -142.4332 496
## 18 workingday      True  161.0619 62.5733  118.9398  209.6916 231
## 19    weather     clear   26.1983 41.7886    3.5991   25.9257 284
## 20    weather     misty     3.023 32.8661   -9.1498     0.973 513
## 21    weather      rain  -55.3083 53.0127  -94.4096    -5.481 657
## 22       temp         1    2.3426  7.1269   -0.4294    4.5534 727
## 23   humidity      0.01   -0.2749   2.626   -0.3249    0.3504 727
## 24  windspeed         1    0.0052  2.4318   -0.1823    0.2318 727

This computes the AME for each feature included in the model, with a default step size of 1 for numeric features (or, 0.01 if their range is smaller than 1). For categorical features, AMEs are computed for all available categories. Alternatively, we can specify a subset of features and step sizes using the features argument:

overview = ame(model = forest,
               data = bikes,
               features = list(weather = c("rain", "clear"), humidity = 0.1),
               ep.method = "envelope")
##    Feature step.size      AME       SD      0.25     0.75   n
## 1  weather      rain -55.3083 53.01272 -94.40958 -5.48097 657
## 2  weather     clear 26.19828 41.78861   3.59911 25.92567 284
## 3 humidity       0.1 -7.75386 17.23894  -8.54966  1.32707 640

Again, note that we advise to set ep.method = "envelope" so we avoid model extrapolation.

Regional Interpretations

We can use came() on a specific FME object to compute subspaces of the feature space where FMEs are more homogeneous. Let’s take the effect of a decrease in temperature by 3°C combined with a decrease in humidity by 10 percentage points, and see if we can find three appropriate subspaces.

subspaces = came(effects = effects2, number.partitions = 3)
## PartitioningCtree of an FME object
## Method:  partitions = 3
##    n      cAME  SD(fME)  
##  718 -2.687935 24.08741 *
##  649 -4.881628 21.90090  
##   39  4.164823 18.36672  
##   30 35.860363 38.43502  
## ---
## * root node (non-partitioned)
## AME (Global): -2.6879

As can be seen, the CTREE algorithm was used to partition the feature space into three subspaces. The standard deviation (SD) of FMEs is used as a criterion to measure homogeneity in each subspace. We can see that the SD is substantially smaller in two of the three subspaces when compared to the root node, i.e., the global feature space. The conditional AME (cAME) can be used to interpret how the expected FME varies across the subspaces. Let’s visualize our results:


In this case, we get a decision tree that assigns observations to a feature subspace according to the weather situation (weather) and the day of the week (weekday). The information contained in the boxes below the terminal nodes are equivalent to the summary output and can be extracted from subspaces$results. The difference in the cAMEs across the groups means the expected ME is estimated to vary substantially in direction and magnitude across the subspaces. For example, the cAME is highest on rainy days. It turns negative on non-rainy days.


Fanaee-T, H. and Gama, J. (2014). Event labeling combining ensemble detectors and background knowledge. Progress in Artificial Intelligence 2(2): 113–127

Vanschoren, J., van Rijn, J. N., Bischl, B. and Torgo, L. (2013). Openml: networked science in machine learning. SIGKDD Explorations 15(2): 49–60